The authors submit an Article for publication in the magazine «Vocational Education and Training in Russia and World-Wide», in two forms: paper form (with the author’s signature, certified at the place of work, sent to the Editorial office by post) and electronic form (sent to the Editorial office by e-mail —
Publication of articles in the journal is free.
1. Completeness
- Annotation to the article (in Russian and English)
- Keywords (in Russian and English)
- Text with the title of the article and the names and initials of the author (s)
- Drawings, graphs, tables, photographs, illustrations of all sorts should be sent as separate files with a comment;
the frame with the name of the file and a comment should be placed in the text on the site of the illustration. - Photo of the author (required!) and brief information about him
- Postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail of the author
2. Requirements for the texts
The text is sent as a separate file doc. or rtf. Archiving is allowed (archivers — WinZip or WinRar).
The text of the article should be formed:
- In the upper right corner, the first-name and last name are indicated in alphabetical order, followed by each author’s short information about the author (posts, organizations, academic degrees, academic titles), telephone and fax numbers (with the city code); e-mail, website address — skip missing.
- The title of the article and the subtitle (if any) are centered.
- Annotation to the material (2-4 lines of text) is italicized.
- The text is aligned to the width.
- Volume — up to 10 printed pages in A4 format (without back of the page).
- The red line is 1.5 cm
- The line spacing is one and a half (the interval between paragraphs is not done).
- Headset font — Times New Roman
- The font size is 14 pt.
- Page parameters: the top and bottom margins are 2.5 cm; Left field — 3 cm, right field — 1.5 cm
3. Requirements for illustrations
Figures, graphs, tables are represented by separate TIFF or BMP files in black and white.
4. Photo requirements
Availability authors’ photos is compulsory. Photos illustrating the article are sent in TIFF or BMP format in black and white with a resolution of minimum 300 DPI or on photo paper.
5. Notes
- Articles are not reviewed and not sent back.
- For the reliability of the material and compliance with the Russian Federation’s Law «On copyright and analogous rights» and the laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property, the author is responsible.
Contact Information of the Editorial Board

150040, Yaroslavl, Respublikanskaya str. 42/24
Tel. + 7 (4852) 25-64-44 — Akishin Valeriy Nikolaevich (left: a photo of the discussion at the All-Russian Conference «The Quality of Continuing Adult Education» September 14, 2015, Valery Nikolayevich left, participant on the right — Burunkin Dmitry Anatolyevich, Deputy Chief Department of State policy in the sphere of staff training and further education of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science )
Publishing house named after N.P.Pastukhov