On January 14, 2015 the Union of Heads of Organizations and Departments of Continuing Vocational Education and Employers and the European association of VET providers “European Institute for Adult and Vocational Education –ESEDA”- ESEDA made the decision on the establishment of a System for Support of EQAVET in countries of the EU and the Eastern Europe and formed a Council for Assessment of Quality of Professional Education and Training.

The Council approved a set of documents regulating the activities of international partners in the sphere of independent evaluation of the quality of vocational education and training. Documents are available for download on this page (below).

Council support system EQAVET in countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe empowered for the independent evaluation of the quality of higher and vocational education and training — Union of Heads of Organizations and Departments of Continuing Vocational Education and Employers which is actively involved in the promotion of international approaches to quality assessment of education in Russia.
Yaroslavl State Academy of Industrial Management named after Pastukhov, russian project partner of ESEDA in the field of quality of professional education and training, was determined as the educational and methodical center of the System.

Council of the System for Support of EQAVET in countries of the EU and the Eastern Europe

Members Of The Council Country
Аниськина НН-5 22-31 Nina Aniskina President of the Union of Heads  of Organizations and Departments of Continuing Vocational Education and Employers Russian Federation
Али Рашиди Ali Rashidi General director of the European association of VET providers «European Institute for Adult and Vocational Education – ESEDA» (ESEDA)
Roger Van de Winkel Revalento General director of the Consulting company «Revalento» Netherlands
Arturo-Campanella Arturo Campanella Consultant at Italian Ministry of Education Италия
Yevgeniya Averhed Project manager at Folkuniversitet  
+46 18 68 00 36
можаева Galina Mozhaeva Director of Institute of Distance Education, Tomsk State University Russian Federation
Федосеева Татьяна Tatiana Fedoseeva International Project Director, State Academy of Industrial Management named after Pastukhov Russian Federation
Тимченко3683 Victor Timchenko Head of the Quality Center, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia Russian Federation
Аниськин М.В. Maxim Aniskin Lead auditor of the Certificate authority of management systems «Cro Cert» Croatia
Ольга Дехтяренко Olga Dechtiarenko Head of the Department of comparative studies and international cooperation in VET of the Republican Institute of professional education Belarus
Терехова Екатерина Ekaterina Terekhova  Expert-appraiser, «Economic and legal Expertise OOO» (Limited Liability Company) Russian Federation

Download and read the documents of the System for support of EQAVET in the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe:

Solutions and minutes

  • The 1th meeting of Council for the System for Support of EQAVET in countries of the EU and the Eastern Europe (20.06.2015)

Regulatory documents