Vocational education and training (VET) is substantially more than other types of education focused on consumer. Therefore, Federal Law on Education in Russian Federation No. 273-FZ of December 28, 2013 abolished in VET such habitual to all form of quality recognition as state accreditation, providing in return its quality recognition of education by Consumer communities:
- Professional-public accreditation of educational programmes and
- Public accreditation of educational organizations carrying out educational activities.
On the other hand, the state is increasingly stimulate the quality of education through supporting the development of competition in the market of educational services. Article 96 of the Federal Law «Оn Education in Russian Federation» is devoted to public and professional-public accreditation for this purpose. Relying on this article, the Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (Pastukhov Academy), commissioned by Rosoboradzor, developed an integrated participatory model for public organizations and professional associations in the National System of Qualifications. You can read more about it here.
By analogy with the system of independent assessment of qualifications created in Russia, coordination of activities for professional public and public accreditation should be carried out at the national level. Currently, The Presidential National Council for Professional Qualifications with the support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation takes actions to settle relations in the field of professional public and public accreditation. But since public accreditation as a recognition of the quality of educational organizations has its roots in the certification of management systems, in Russia today it is coordinated by Rosstandart, which acts as the National Council for Accreditation.
VET Union supports the activities of public organizations and professional associations that are responsible for professional, public and public accreditation in accordance with the Federal Law «Оn Education in Russian Federation».
VET Union has already carried out activities on professional and public accreditation of programs of higher and additional professional education, on public accreditation of educational organizations, а register of issued certificates of professional public and public accreditation has been formed.